I remember finding out I was pregnant for my oldest daughter. I was in the hospital due to allergic reaction to something I ate. I knew that when you go in with anything like that they always do a pregnancy test. I was shocked to hear the doctor say it was positive. I had never expected that to happen. I was just barely 20 years old, I was scared and away from home. Yet I knew that I already loved this little baby. I told the babys father and he left, leaving me a single mom. Nine months later I looked down into the big brown eyes of my oldest daughter.
I watched her grow and loved every moment of it. I never dreamed i would ever be lucky enough to be married and to have more children. So much so I convinced myself marriage was silly and I didn't want it. In reality I didn't want to even hope it could happen. I thought that good guys and good things like that don't happen to single moms. Who is going to want to marry me now. I had a great daughter and would just be happy to watch her grow.
Years later my best friend becomes my husband and I realize being married IS a dream come true, one I had never even dare hope for. Then came our children and the joy they bring. Which is again more than I felt I could hope for, however again a dream vome true. Now I have the joy of watching all of them grow. Watching my oldest turn into a wonderful young woman, studing physics at a university level. Watching my 3, yes 3, other wonderful girls grow and learn.
Sometimes God's plans for us are so much more than we ever feel we could hope for. However He loves to bless us and sometimes it is more than we thought He would, in ways we could not even imagine. Sometimes the road to those dreams are rocky, full of pot holes and bumps, lots of twists and turns. Hang in there, He has a plan for it all and the plan is to bless those He loves.
"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to give you a hope and a future."
What a wonderful plan!