This year, however, she decided to do something different for her birthday. In a world filled with people, especially teens, wanting things for themselves and the latest gadgets and stuff, she decided she wanted to make an eternal difference. We held a party and instead of gifts she asked people to bring items or money for Operation Christmas child shoeboxes, and that they did. 180$ worth. We had a very happy girl. Then the fun was really about to start.
We ventured to the store the next morning and she had a blast picking out and buying wonderful treasures for each box. She loves to make them unique and add things she would love as well. Everything from socks, school supplies, and t-shirts to little toy cars and baby dolls. Then our living room became a packing zone, but I loved to watch the joy on her face as each one was packed with love. I am so very proud of her.
So often I was told as a new and young mom not to talk about the hungry, or poor in the world around her or around children because they are too sensitive. I disagree, if they don't realize how truly blessed they are with things like food, shelter, health care and clean water, why would they value other blessings? Why would they want to help if they are not shown and exposed to the need that is there?
So often I am asked or hear "If there is a God why is there so much poverty? Why doesn't God do something?" My response is look at my daughter, He did do something He created her, and you, so the question is not why hasn't God done something, the question is what are you doing? A 15 year old can give up her birthday and gifts to help needy children, this is God doing something through her. Will you let him use you?
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