Here we go, again. On The mothering and homeschool journey. My oldest daughter has started college this year, after graduating from homeschool. She seems very prepared and seems to be having no problems with her classes. We homeschooled through A.C.E for the most part. This program was easy for me and daughter her as she got older to work on her own, set goals and to complete her work on time. It gave her all the info she needed to be able to keep up in college and not just keep up but excel.
I was a single mom for 12 years, I homeschooled and did what I could to raise my oldest daughter. I then got married when she was 12, to my wonderful husband who stood by me in the decision to homeschool and be a stay home mom and wife. Now after 5 years we have 2 more little ones, and our homeschooling journey is about to restart. It was at first a daunting and somewhat scary thought ot me, that I Would have to do it all over again. I then see the school system and the thought of putting them in school and hate it.
Now the journey is starting over. My three year old has started school. We played around with just a few little workbooks but it does not seem to be enough so our A.C.E journey is about to start over in a few weeks.
I am also on a journey to get more organised. For me this could be a big one. I will share on here and our facebook page the journey and any tips we may come across. I am certainly not the most organized person, however I believe that it is important and will help me be a better mom and wife.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Teething, Potty training and physics
Our house is full of different stages and the excitement and struggles that go with each. The oldest Daughter has turn 17, wow 17 already. I seem to remember it was yesterday she was learning her alphabet, now she is doing physics and preparing for college. She is a true young women, preparing to make her way in the world and one day will be leaving my house, not a day I look forward to, but know it is part of the process as well.
The 2 year old is in a stage of potty training and temper tantrums. She seems to refuse to go on potty, yet when the underwear, or as we call them, "big girl pants" are put on she goes without fail. Her tantrums can be so often some days and none others, leaving a totally unpredictable day. The craziness of the 2's. However she is also in the process of discovery. She has recently discovered how mushy dog food goes when it is put in his water. She has also learner new letters and colors. To see the joy and light in her eyes as she learns and discovers her world is remarkable.
Then we have a 3 month old. She is just learning to laugh! What a joy that is, to hear the first little giggles that are starting to turn into laughs. Always at the most simple things. Pure, sweet, laugh and happiness. Then there comes the crying that goes with the pain of teething. It hurts me to hear her cry because of pain. Yet I know she will face other things that are painful in her life, skinned knees, splinters, bumps and bruises. Yet God willing I will see them all go through, teething, potty training, all the way to physics, and hopefully well beyond.

Then we have a 3 month old. She is just learning to laugh! What a joy that is, to hear the first little giggles that are starting to turn into laughs. Always at the most simple things. Pure, sweet, laugh and happiness. Then there comes the crying that goes with the pain of teething. It hurts me to hear her cry because of pain. Yet I know she will face other things that are painful in her life, skinned knees, splinters, bumps and bruises. Yet God willing I will see them all go through, teething, potty training, all the way to physics, and hopefully well beyond.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Bethany's birth
I know many like to hear the birth stories of babies so I have chosen to share Bethany's. The early hours of November 5th were broken by the sounds of a healthy baby girl taking her first breath, and with that we became a family of 5.
I will start at the beginning though. Bethany was a surprise from the start, I didn't even know I was pregnant for her till I was almost through the first trimester, (10 weeks). I was still breastfeeding my 18 month old and for that reason I was not having a regular cycle at all. On March 29th I broke out in a rash, but it was brushed off as being allergic to something, I didn't know it could be because of pregnancy. My husband and I both checked it out individually then confronted each other. The morning of April 1st I got a very clear positive result, which led me to realize that pregnancy tests don't play april fools jokes, i was indeed pregnant.
Fast forward to Nov 4th, I went for a regular check with our doctor and found out I was 3 cm. By now I just want the baby out, 39 weeks and 1 day. Our doctor did a sweep and light contractions started irregular and not consistent. They remained that way till about 8pm when they started becoming more regular and stronger. Great just as I was trying to watch survivor. Still these contractions were not the ones to go to the hospital on and not even real labor yet but were enough to be a distraction. By 10pm everything changed and we decided it was time to go into the hospital, we arrived there about 10:15ish and made our way to the maternity ward. I was checked and was still at 3 cm, no change but our dr. was called in and showed up about 30 minutes later. The contractions again changed and got really intense, I decided I wanted an epidural for get this whole natural thing. I was checked again and found to be 9-10 cm, so from 3- 9 in 1 hour, ouch! I was allowed to start pushing, here is where everything changes. After pushing for a while the baby was still not moving down well, turns out she was turned so her head would come out sideways. Every so often the doctor would try to turn her. I remember pushing with every contraction and not feeling her move at all, I would ask the doctor " did she move" and my doctor would just give me a look that I know was a no, but she was trying not to discourage me, when she would move a little she would tell me and was very encouraging. My poor husband through all this is having to deal with me getting upset because I would not get an answer, because she was not moving, because they would not pull her out, and I was squeezing his hand so very hard, I love that guy! Finally after a very natural and trying labor, 2 1/2 hours of pushing our little girl was welcomed into our arms, looking at the sky. She was born sunnyside up! I am so very thankful that our doctor was able to let us deliver naturally and not rush us off for a c-section. She weighed in at a healthy 8lbs 4oz and 19 1/2 inches.
Although there were times through this that I felt drained and that I could not push another time, I was encourage continually by my doctor, and my husband to keep going. This was the first time in any of my labors that I did not hemorrhage after, or have a lot of tearing, I remember laying there between contractions praying that God would bring this baby out and that she would move or turn, she did finally turn from sideways to face up and then was born fairly quickly. I have however been warned that future labors will probably be very quick. If she had been the right way she would have been born when my water broke at 9 cm. I am no longer allowed to wait at home for my water to break.
I will start at the beginning though. Bethany was a surprise from the start, I didn't even know I was pregnant for her till I was almost through the first trimester, (10 weeks). I was still breastfeeding my 18 month old and for that reason I was not having a regular cycle at all. On March 29th I broke out in a rash, but it was brushed off as being allergic to something, I didn't know it could be because of pregnancy. My husband and I both checked it out individually then confronted each other. The morning of April 1st I got a very clear positive result, which led me to realize that pregnancy tests don't play april fools jokes, i was indeed pregnant.

Thursday, January 7, 2016
Family of 5....
On Nov 5th we became a family of 5! Our 3rd girl was welcomed in the world at a very early morning hour. Before the birth and even shortly after I wondered "how am I going to do this?" Though I still have days like that I am loving every (almost) minute of it. There are days that are hard, with a 2 month old who hates sleeping, and a 2 year old going through tantrums and teething those big back teeth, it is not always easy, forget easy, it is just down right hard sometimes. Then we have the house work that needs to be done ( but is lacking so very often) and the school work since we homeschool, meals to be cooked, shopping to be done, and activities and appointments to be gone to. This is just the daily and weekly things of this crazy yet so wonderful thing we call life. Everyday I rely on his wisdom and strength to be the mom he has called me to be. I am living a life I would have never planned out for myself, a stay home mom of 3 (hopefully more). Married to my wonderful husband who if I planned my life may not have married, Homeschooling which I may have never chosen. I am so happy God knows what is best for us and will lead us to it if we let him. I am reminded of one of my favorite verses,
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."
I am so very glad that he does so and has our best in mind and does not just leave us like orphans, but will guide us.
Motherhood is so often looked down on and is missed as a true ministry. You are impacting the next generation in such a real and mighty way. You want to see the world changed, raise up children who love the Lord with all their hearts and who will change it. God calls us to be moms and to train our children, his children and our wonderful blessings that we are entrusted with. What a calling! never think less of moms. Dads are in this as well, to be leaders of the family to raise up their kids and give them a father figure that they can use to relate to their heavenly father. In a generation where family seems to be lost and dis-valued, I want to be the odd one out where family is valued and seen as a great ministry to the Lord.
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